01 March, 2015

Learning Swift through Rosetta Code Contributions

Spring 2015 I decided to learn Swift so that I could develop applications for the Apple platforms of Mac OS X and iOS. I soon found that Swift is an evolving language, and that online resources are getting there bit by bit.

Rosetta Code – Loads of Programming Examples

One of the resources I found was Rosetta Code which describes itself like:

Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.

This site therefore can both provide me with information as to how different tasks are accomplished using Swift, and maybe just as interesting since I want to learn Swift a list of tasks not implemented in Swift.

I’m planning to implement some of these unimplemented tasks, and if you want to you can see the special page of my contributions.

Connection to «Odds by Even»

In addition to making contributions to Rosetta Code I will also from time to time, I hope, be posting articles here on Odds by Even on given themes which I find interesting when stumbling along learning Swift.

As an example when doing research to extend the String repeat sections on Rosetta Code, I found stuff talking about extensions and overloading, and I also dived into a performance analysis on various alternatives. These areas will be covered in future articles.

The plan is also to include blog articles which links to Swift playgrounds, which is an interesting tool/approach to playing with different snippets of Swift code. In due time also articles on other languages, or some tidbits on the tools I’m using will be presented.

Questions and Resources through StackOverflow

As I’m only starting out, I’m not quite sure what other resources are available beside random articles, but I do know that StackOverflow holds loads of articles tagged for Swift, and my homepage on StackOverflow will link to my activity and contributions.

StackOverflow also has a page on the Swift tag which has links to different resources related to Swift. And when doing searches on google, I tend to favour the results from StackOverflow as they usually are concrete and to the point.

Do however be notified that since Swift is an evolving language, some of the answers might be referring to a previous version of Swift. This especially is true for older questions and answers from first half of 2014. comment test…

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